Payment Gateway Integration Guide UAE


Web Integration

Accept payments from your customers in a secure and quick manner with Paycaps. Your customers get a streamlined flow with the ‘Checkout’ form for initiating payments. The payment details shared by your customer are tokenised by Paycaps. tag as data attributes. You can submit additional fields, visible or hidden, along with the form.

With this sample code given below, Paycaps ‘Checkout’ options will be passed as the HTML data attributes.

After the completion of the checkout process, an additional field <name=id> will be added to the form containing the script tag. Post this, the form is submitted automatically. With the authorisation of the payment made, the form along with the paycaps_payment_id to the action url.

Note: In the below mentioned code, replace the URL with the success callback URL of your website.

Paycaps provides its customers with the ‘Retry’ option in case of a failure.

Getting Started

Web integration is the simplest, quick and easy way to integrate the Paycaps in your Website. When using this mode of integration customers will be redirected from your checkout page to the Paycaps payment page to collects payment details which has built-in support for Saved Cards, Credit and Debit Cards, UPI wallets and much more.

Payment page is Hosted at Paycaps Servers which are PCI DSS compliant so that the merchant does not have to worry about the PCI DSS.

Enforce payment mode(RFU)

Payment Flow

Sample Flow diagram

Generating Test Credentials

  1. Login to your merchant account
  2. Click on My Account Tab
  3. Click on My Profile
  4. You can find Salt key and APP_ID value under Integration Tab

Alternatively, you can contact the integration support team/RM to get the keys.

Checkout API

Create the order form

Request URls



Generating Secure Hash

Every request is accompanied by a secure Hash that verifies the request’s Integrity as well as merchant identity. The secure Hash algorithm is SHA-256.

To generate secure Hash use the following method: Take all the request parameters that are to be
sent to Paycaps and sort them in ascending order according to the name of each field.

Now prepare a String of these sorted name value params with Tiled (~) as the separator like:

Next step is to append the Salt Key at the end of the parameter string given by Paycaps Payment
Gateway to you. After adding you will get the following output (If salt key is b6200e78557e4e55)

Note: Please append the secret key in lower case without any separator after the last value.

After completing the above-mentioned process, you will have to call SHA 256 algorithm and pass the parameter string to the same and the SHA will return you the desired result as below

Hash value= {6797f1842deb4f3ebaead53e1bafd5a535d322b9fa3893f201fdb03933eeae09}

Now you must convert the generated value to the Upper Case, and you will get the final result as hash value

Hash value = 6797F1842DEB4F3EBAEAD53E1BAFD5A535D322B9FA3893F201FDB03933EEAE09

Submitting Form

Once you have prepared the form the user can click on the submit button or you can implement an automatic javascript for form auto submit and user will be redirected to Paycaps payment page.

Note: To maximize conversion, Paycaps recommends that you redirect customers to the Payment Gateway in the same browser window.

Note: Amount format is in the least parts without decimals like AED 1200.23 will be written as 120023 and AED 1.00 as 100

Test Cards

You use these cards in your test suite.

Validating response

The merchant application must validate the transaction response in the status response. This can be done as follows:

Match the response hash that is present in the response against the merchant application calculated hash value using the response params. In case the merchant hash does not match that transaction must not be considered a successful transaction.

For successful transaction RESPONSE_CODE is 000 and STATUS is “Captured” or “Approved”.

Note: Please ensure that response Hash is validated in your production system.

Call the status API and verify the result received real time.

Request Params

Field name Description Required Type Min Max Example
Merchant Details
APP_ID APP ID is a unique merchant identifier provided by Paycaps YES NU 16 16 160234578452178
ORDER_ID Merchant reference number YES AN 1 50 ESN78452
RETURN_URL Url of merchant website to get the response after transaction is processe YES CH 5 1024
HASH Unique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithm YES AN 64 64 7995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3B9CE09B9
Customer Details
CUST_NAME Customer name NO CH 1 150 John Pal
CUST_FIRST_NAME Customer first name NO CH 2 150 John
CUST_LAST_NAME Customer last name NO CH 2 150 Pal
CUST_STREET_ADDRESS1 Customer address NO CH 2 250 House no-101
CUST_CITY Customer city NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_STATE Customer city NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_COUNTRY Customer country NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_ZIP Customer zip NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_PHONE* Customer phone NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_EMAIL* Customer email NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_LAST_NAME* Customer Shipping last name NO CH 2 50 Dubai
Customer shipping first name Customer email NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_NAME Customer shipping name NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_STREET_ADDRESS1 Customer shipping address NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_STREET_ADDRESS2 Customer shipping address NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_CITY Customer shipping city NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_STATE Customer shipping state NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_COUNTRY Customer shipping country NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_ZIP Customer shipping zip NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CUST_SHIP_PHONE Customer shipping phone NO CH 2 50 Dubai
Payment Details
AMOUNT** Total Sale Amount NO CH 2 50 Dubai
CURRENCY_CODE 3-digit code of the currency NO CH 2 50 Gurgaon
Item Level Details
PRODUCT_DESC Description of product NO CH 2 50 Dubai

^Abbreviation NU – Numeric, CH – Character, AN – Alphanumeric

Response Params

Field name Description Example value
CUST_NAME Customer name John Pal
TXNTYPE Type of transaction processed SALE/AUTH
AMOUNT Total Sale Amount 100
CURRENCY_CODE * 3-digit code of the currency 826
ORDER_ID Merchant reference number ESN78452
APP_ID APP_ID is given by PayCaps 160234578452178
TXN_ID Transaction Id generated by PayCaps to identify the current step 150611417421130
PAYMENT_TYPE Type of payment mode used by customer CC/DC/NB
MOP_TYPE Method of payment VI/MC/SBI
CARD_MASK Masked card number for card txns 401200******1234
PG_REF_NUM Id generated by PayCaps. Use for further communication with PayCaps, for tracking the full order 150611417421129
RESPONSE_CODE * Code for transaction status 000
RESPONSE_MESSAGE * Response message for transaction status SUCCESS
HASH* Unique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithm 7995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3B9CE09B9
ECI Bank issued ECI flag
AUTH_CODE Authorization code 123456
RRN Bank reference number SUCCESS
AUTH_CODE Authorization code 123456
AVR Address verification flag SUCCESS
ACQ_ID Bank reference number 123456
STATUS Transaction status SUCCESS
CUST_EMAIL Echo back field 123456
CUST_ID Echo back field SUCCESS
CUST_PHONE Echo back field 123456
PG_TXN_MESSAGE Detailed message for transaction SUCCESS
RETURN_URL Echo back field
RESPONSE_DATE Detailed message for transaction SUCCESS
RESPONSE_TIME Echo back field
PRODUCT_DESC Detailed message for transaction SUCCESS
CARD_ISSUER_BANK Echo back field
CARD_ISSUER_COUNTRY Detailed message for transaction SUCCESS
TOTAL_AMOUNT Total amount debited to customer in case of surcharge model 10134

Response Codes

You can use these codes for your test suite.

Ecommerce Plugins

Following are the various available Ecommerce plugins you can use:

CS Cart






Language Toolkits

Following are the various resources you can use:






